日本財団 図書館


(2) Accident


Table 3.2-5 shows the statistics of accidents in fiscal 1994/1995. Because the number of accidents for each area and each case related to Northern Line in fiscal 1993/1994 is unclear, it is impossible to compare the data in fiscal 1993/1994 with the data in fiscal 1994/1995. However, from the viewpoint of the whole SRT, it is found that the number of failures of locomotives greatly increases. Therefore, to improve the stability of train operation, it is necessary to take an appropriate actions such as rehabilitation of deteriorated locomotives. When the same failure is repeated, the portion concerned may imperfectly be designed. Moreover, the number of collisions with obstacles or vehicles (road vehicles) increases.


However, these collisions are not always responsible of the railway but the problem on observance of rules by ordinary people is also considered. Therefore, it is necessary to also consider the PR for the safety of level crossings by the railway side.


3.2.5 Security equipment


(1) Signal system


Color light system: Between Bangkok and Phitsanulok


Semaphore system: Between Phitsanulok and Chiang Mai


However, the color light system is used for Pakupang, Maechang, Lamphun, and Salaphi stations between Phitsanulok and Chiang Mai.


There is no limitation of operation speed for caution aspect of signals. Therefore, voluntary speed control by a traindriver is expected which is performed by expecting that the next signal is stop aspect.


(2) Block system


Semi-automatic block: Between Bangkok and Ban Sue


Automatic block: Between Ban Sue and Lop Buri






